MFC 13961WE
C-Band Interference Elimination Filter
3.7 - 4.2 GHz

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The optimum filter choice for eliminating interference from WiMAX, RA- DAR and virtually any other potential source of
out-of-band interference.
Combining model MFC 13961W performance with special component-plating processes, the model MFC 13961WE offers enhanced
C Band Bandpass Filter
WiMAX, Radar & Transmit Band Reject
Passband: 3.7 - 4.2 GHz (other frequency options are available)
Rejection: 45 db Min (3.65 / 4.25 GHz)
Insertion Loss: 0.3 dB Approx @ ceter band / 0.3 dB Approx roll of @ band edges
Lightweight 1.125 Lbs (Approx)
Compact Low Profile Design
Ideal for Multifeed applications