Quintech NEXUS Wi-5G
Attenuator Matrix for Test Labs

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The NEXUS Wi-5G is a wideband 600 MHz to 6 GHz bi-directional RF attenuator matrix test system which enables automated testing of 2x2 to 8x8 MIMO connections. 64 sets of integrated fixed attenuators and 0 to 60 dB programmable attenuators provide up to 90 dB of total attenuation per connection. The NEXUS Wi-5G can connect any input port to one or all output ports and any output port to one or all input ports using integrated wideband splitters and combiners. Unused connections can be turned off using internally terminated 100 dB isolation switches. The NEXUS Wi-5G enables interoperability, coexistence and testing of current and emerging standards. The matrix is used for roaming, handover, beam forming, wireless mesh network test and validation of network equipment. Its frequency range covers 4G/LTE 5G Wireless and WiFi 6. Circuit-switched fallback testing can be conducted in a controlled environment isolated from commercial signals, emulation of mobility scenarios, interband carrier aggregation and WiFi interference tests are easily configured. Regression testing can be completed in reduced time enhancing laboratory ROI.
The NEXUS Wi-5G used in conjunction with Quintech’s proprietary Q-LAAMP® software management platform provides a ready-to-use test system with an intuitive GUI and user configurable RF fading applications.