Portable Extended C-Band Spectrum Analyzer

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Whether you are doing a satellite installation, troubleshooting a CATV or broadcast system, setting up a remote telemetry system, trying to locate a threatening jamming device, or locating eavesdropping devices, the AVCOM PSA-2500 Extended Series has something to offer. Designed for the teleport, oil and gas, maritime, broadcast, military, TCSM, and wireless community, the PSA-2500 Extended Series is compact, portable, lightweight, affordable, and high value price point for quick and precise signal investigations. For technicians demanding a greater range, AVCOM’s PSA Extended Series goes up to 6.5GHz. This will allow the TV broadcasting engineer to troubleshoot directly at the C-Band satellite end, and also allow troubleshooting of the 5.8GHz video/audio signals that HD wireless TV cameras use, or the 5.8GHz band that many WLAN 802.11a devices now use.
⦁ Designed For Satellite, TV And Radio Broadcasting, CATV,
⦁ Wireless, TCSM, and GPS
⦁ L.O. Frequency Offsets Displays Direct Frequency Readout
⦁ 10 Customizable Presets/50 User Memory Locations
⦁ Fast Refresh Rates Up To 13/sec
⦁ 13/18Vdc/22kHz LNA/LNB Power
⦁ Easy-To-Use Front Panel Interface, Even When Wearing Bulky Gloves.
⦁ Full Remote-Control Monitoring via Ethernet/RS-232 Using Free Remote-Control Software (GUI) Case